#Kamen rider series#
Go down on other series of the franchise before this, not on this one. Other than that there is nothing here for newcomers, so as a newcomer to this franchise myself I can't recommend this to anyone in my situation. After that, what you're going to see if you stick until the end (something I don't recommend doing) is a progressively kiddified affair that is really, really and I can't stress enough REALLY repetitive and way more repetitive, boring and hamfisted than a lot of classic 100+ or 200+ episodes repetitive animes I've seen from front to end (fillers and recaps included) without being bored once with nothing particularly engaging if we exclude the occasional campy glimpse (provided you're a sucker of camp like me), the nice eye-candy chicks who start by factually fighting the minions and end being treated like nothing more than props and a couple of interesting episodes, in particular episode 84 which is the way I personally like superheroes to be. akin to the american golden age of comics with lots of blood and dismemberment (something I'm not particularly fond of except when it has a meaning behind and it's not just for gore's sake).

This is not one of those gems, except the first 10/13 episodes that are interesting because they show you how originally the series was intended to be, I. Unfortunately, being a newbie of this franchise I though that starting with its first series ever it would have proven the right choice since usually by doing that I've found a lots of gems people tend to not consider because of their age, in both the comic medium and the anime one. Kamen Rider is a long running Japanese series, similar to Power Rangers (or rather Sentai, the original Japanese version) but focusing on an individual hero.